Saturday, October 20, 2018

Le grand grand trail des templiers

You want more doodles like this?! Like and share!
Special occasion, special drawing!

I do comic strips and drawings! 
            Hey she/he will do something amazing: a race!


1. - I will race the Grand Trail des Templiers!
2. - An exceptional trail.
2. - Elevation gain: 3650 m!!!
2. - 78 km!!!
3. - Departure at 5:45.
3. - Far too early!!!
4. - And I will race the trail Mona Lisa.


If you want more:

  • Race grand trail des templiers (FR): here
  • Race grand trail des templiers (EN): here

Before you leave:

  • Do you have some excuses too? Tell me in a comment. I will draw them!
  • I post awesome drawings and photos not seen on this blog on Instagram @lamiss_comics
  • More comics? Try my other blog:it's here!

Smile if it's funny, share if you like it!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I'm back

I might be back... who knows?

You want more doodles like this?! Like and share!

I do comic strips and drawings! 
            I'm back... again


1. - It's been a long time since you posted a drawing.
1. - It's true!
2. - Create a post.
3. - We want a drawing! We want a drawing!

Before you leave:

  • Do you have some excuses too? Tell me in a comment. I will draw them!
  • I post awesome drawings and photos not seen on this blog on Instagram @lamiss_comics
  • More comics? Try my other blog:it's here!

Smile if it's funny, share if you like it!