Thursday, January 26, 2017

Happy new year!

I didn't post any doodles for a very long time but I have a good excuse: he has to do some exercises. HE HAS TO!!! AND HE KNOWS IT! So please, encourage him to do more exercises and leave a comment to support him!

I do comic strips and drawings! 
            Hey she/he did something amazing: he did some exercises!


1. - Happy new year!
2. - Are you going to do some exercises this new year?
2. - Are you going to draw for your blog?
3. - I will draw when you will do some exercises!
3. - I got caught!

Check out my Instagram @lamiss_comics account, I post some drawings and photos not seen on this blog.

More comics? Try my other blog: it's here!

Do you have some excuses too? Tell me in a comment.
Hop! I will draw them! * Magic *

Smile if it's funny, share if you like it!